Virtualization Solutions

Virtualization Solutions

Virtualization Solutions

Design, sales, installation and after-sales support services are offered for virtualization solutions in accordance with customer expectations. We aim to offer the most efficient use and management facilitation of customer hardware infrastructure, with the server, desktop, software and storage area virtualization solutions we offer.

The management facilitation offered by virtualization, reduction of physical hardware infrastructure and lower energy consumption ease the burden posed by IT in all industries. Virtualization solutions are at the core of disaster recovery scenarios and constitute its starting point. Desktop Virtualization, allows protecting content of critical corporate importance, significantly reducing the time and cost allocated to desktop management, supporting clients across a wide spectrum and allows users to operate mobile. With Application Virtualization, vital business applications such as databases, ERP, CRM, e-mail, collaborative working and business intelligence are virtualized and moved to the data center. Thus, virtualized business applications can be managed and monitored while simultaneously allowing business continuity and disaster recovery solutions. We offer updated solutions according to the latest technological trends.